Friday, August 26, 2011

Using the resources you've been given

How many of you have a few or more close friends you greatly admire and enjoy hanging out with. Maybe for you, its just your family that you really enjoy spending time with. I know for me, I enjoy hanging out with a few very close friends, and also I really enjoy my family. Usually you can only count your closest friends on one hand, and that is definitely something I have found to be true. Through and through all these other people who call themselves friends just fade away. The main people who I have chosen to stay in unity with are mainly a few friends and my family. Everybody else is only superficial. I encourage you to do the same.

Find a few close friends who you can rely on and talk to about anything without them criticizing you. The best way to guage whether someone is a true friend is if they can listen to your problems, not be offended, and try to help you work through the pain. Don't go in search of all these other people to fill the emptiness or loneliness you feel inside. Rather learn to trust and rely on your family and few close friends; you know they won't let you down. The other friends will come later when your not even trying to make a friendship happen. This goes for all kinds of relationships.

Maybe you feel like you can never seem to make any friends or maybe your faamily has desserted you. Well I wanted to tell you now about the friend who has transformed my life. He never lets me down. He listens to everything I ever tell Him, and His promises for me are greater than I could ever imagine. You see, this friends name is Jesus Christ and He has set me free and redeemed me from a hopeless life of sin.Jesus loved me and called me a friend long before I ever even thought of Him. Romans 5:6 says, "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." That was me, you, my family, your family, my friends, your friends and everyone else that Christ died for. You know He died for you and I so that we don't have to strive to make friends because of emptiness and loneliness we feel inside. Why? you might ask. Well it is because He loves you and I more than we could ever imagine. Romans 8:38 says "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers,  nor powers nor things present nor things to come, (39) nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to sperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

You see God loves you so much that he wants to be your closest friend so that nothing can seperate you from His love. He loves you more than you can imagine.

Please respond to Him. Romans 10:9 says, ":That if you believe in your heart the Lord Jesus, and confess with your mouth that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Believe in Christ and what He has done for you (He died a horrific death for you so that you didn't have to, and this payed for every sin you ever have done so that you don't have to pay the consequence I promise you if you respond to this overwhelming love of God out of a true heart of repentance from your sins and tell others about it,  your life will be radically changed and Romans 5:1 will become so true in your life, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." This amazing peace is waiting for you. Respond to Christ in belief and faith in His Son Jesus Christ and what He did for you.

He will take every fear, every rejection, every hurt, every pain of losing those closest to you, every tear over a disability or anger problem you may now have now, and even every rage or anger you may feel towards somebody for causing you harm. He will take all of these things and wipe them away. He'll take away the heavy weight off your chest, the depression you battle, and the hopelessness you live with everyday and throw all these burdens as far as the east is from the west!

Please, I implore you to respond to Him and let me know, or maybe you have questions,
 EMAIL ME at    or  or

call me any time which works for you (704)682-8711

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be Fearless

Fear. This four letter word defines the greatest battle I faced for the longest time. I lived in a state of perpetual fear. I was fearful of what others thought of me, fearful of losing my friends, fearful of cancer, fearful of death, fearful that I would not finish college, fearful I wouldn't find a girl who could love me for me, fearful of failure, and even fearful of others letting me down. The list goes on. There were so many things, thoughts, ideas, and situations I feared. For the longest time I struggled with this, but then I came to realize that every thing, thought, situation, or person I feared actually had no way of hurting me and nobody had any intention of thinking any of the things towards me that I feared. The majority of our fears are created in our heads, and thats all they are; just thoughts and silly imaginations. Once I realized this, I was able to have a completely different outlook on life. No longer did I isolate myself out of fear of what others thought or said. Not to mention, that I also found inspiration through the Bible. A powerful verse which greatly strengthened me was 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

I realized God had given me a spirit of power and a sound mind, and fear was just a distraction.

I don't know what your fears are. Maybe you fear that you will never walk again, or maybe you fear nobody will accept you, or people will make fun of or mock you. Maybe you fear your friends/family will dessert you. Well I have news for you. Everything we fear in this life usually never comes to pass. Most of your fears are just thoughts which have krept in your life. If we live in a state of continual fear, our lives will slow down, and we won't be able to accomplish all we've been placed on this earth to accomplish. Fear clouds your vision, yor thought life, and even your passions. I challenge you today to not let fear hinder you from accomplishing your dream, life goal, or what you've been placed on this earth to do. Be FEARLESS!

Maybe you have questions about how I overcame fear, or how God helped me overcome fear and has given me a spirit of power.

Email me at   or I want to talk to you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Your experiences qualify you

Whatever you are going through in life, whether it be having a tbi like myself, maybe you have cancer, or maybe you had a stroke or strokes, or maybe you are going through something completely off the charts that not many people go through or think about. Well I have news for you. Your struggles are qualifying you for something else that you are going to accomplish later in life, or maybe you are accomplishing it now as I write this! I know for me, God allowed me to go through what I went through so I could truly encourage tbi and/or stroke survivors because now I can relate to them. Not only that, but now I have an overwhleming pasison to reach the younger generation. When I was paralyzed or when I couldn't take care of or feed myself, or when I had to go to therapy everyday, I didn't think of how one day I could use everything I had gone through to help others. I promise you if you will open up your mind to see past your present struggles, you will see hope in how you can help others going through the same or worse situation than what you are going through or have gone through. Cry out to God, and He will save you and show you how you can help others in need.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Finding Unity

I mentioned yesterday how a you can stay in unity with others by walking in forgiveness for others and laying down your pride by not always having to be right about everything. This is a sign of humility and people will respect you for that. Proverbs 15:1 says, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Maybe for you as a tbi survivor, you constantly encounter a famliy member who you can never seem to get along with. I challenge you to rather than lash back each time he/she says or does something hurtful, start answering with a soft answer of kindness. Many times, for those situations, it is helpful not to say anything at all; this is definitely a sign of humility. This will cause the other person to consider how his/her unkind words are not needed and they don't provoke the reaction from you they want, which is for you to retaliate in anger.

Whoever you may be and whatever condition you may have, I challenge you to Answer softly those who criticize you. Everybody can learn this one lesson, and it will promote unity ans thus benefit anybody's life; I gaurantee it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Being in Unity

How do you stay in Unity with Others and live in a constant state of Unity with those closest to you? Lay down your pride. You don't always have to be right. Forgive others for the wrongs they do, and always focus on how you can brighten somebody else's day. People are going to hurt you by saying mean things, gossipping, and criticizing you. Life hurts sometimes. The best medication I've learned for that is always be ready to forgive, and I have learned it I don't have to be right about everything. Humility is key.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Everybody is searching for something

A tbi survivor, a stroke survivor, a cancer survivor, someone suffering from epilepsy, a business man, business woman, nurse, doctor, or even someone suffering from deperession, and anyone for that matter, all have something in common, believe it or not. They are all searching for something. You and I are both searching for something. Maybe you are searching for success or fulfillment through completing college or becoming a millionaire. Maybe you are searching for love, or looking for love by going to different people, and being in different relationships. However, you never seem to grasp ahold of the very thing you are searching for. When it all boils down to a point, we are all searching for something or someone to fill the void we have in each of our lives.

For me as a tbi survivor, I used to constantly search for other people to accept me, but a lot of people always seemed to shy away from that. I realize now that they simply did not understand. Maybe for you as a tbi survivor, you constantly search for others to accept you and affirm you, but you never can seem to break past people's walls they build.

Maybe you are not even a tbi survivor, and yet you struggle with the issues I have mentioned.  I know exactly how you feel. For the longest time I struggled with this same issue. But then I realized most people simply were unsure of how to communicate with me did not know how to; it was nothing I did wrong. People are not automatically going to be angry or ciritical of you. You have done nothing wrong and their is nothing wrong with you!
I realized something else; That no matter how other people treated me, that did not change who I was or my position as a child of God. You see, Romans 8:38, 39 says, "For I am persuaded that niether death norl ife, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, (39) nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." God has so much love for me that he loves me just because He chooses to, and their is nothing I can do, nor anything any body else can do that will change that. So, when those people, old friends don't except me or want to hang out or whatever, it does not phase me, because I know who genuinely aceppts and loves me.

Also another lesson I have learned comes from the verse Ecclesiastes 4:12, which says, "Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold chord is not easilly broken."  I have found those encouraging, supportive friends to come alongside me and encourage me and support me as an individual, and just be a true friend.

I hope you realize that no matter how Others act towards you or treat you, that does not define who you are or change the great person you are! Also I hope you realize how Awesome the love of God is, and how much he loves you. Grasp that and respond to him, I encourage you to, He invites you to. It does not matter how people treat you, or how hopeless you may be, the love of God surpasses every opinion, agenda, fear, and criticism of any person, as well as any hardship you may be experiencing or sin you may have committed.

Your identity is not wrapped up in your tbi, disabled body, paralyzed body,  or even anything bad you may have done or said.

Please, email me if you have any questions or comments about what I have said. Email me  at or

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unity in Your Passion

It's so important to Be in unity with your passion. You may ask yourself, Why does he say that? It's so vitally important to be in unity with other people who are passionate about what you are passionate about because this adds excitement to what your passionate about. For me, I would not be where I am today, if I had not found other people who have the same passions that I have. I would not be as passionate as I am today about speaking to people about purpose, being in unity with others who have a passion for God, running, wellness, working out, or any of the other passions/interests I have if it had not been for the mentors and friends I have found who share the same passions I have and have encouraged me in my passion.

For me, staying passionate about the activities/interests I love has helped me to fight feelings of sadness or anxiety over the years of my recovery.

I encourage you to stay passionate and find other supportive people who are just as passionate, if not more passionate about the same things you are. This might mean finding a good mentor who may be a lot older than you who shares your passions or may just be a good supportive friend you can rely on and who will encourage you in your passion. These were the kind of people I first found who were supportive of me in some of my passions.

I encourage you to find an older individual, because older people have so much more wisdom!
It is so vitally important to stay passionate; this keeps you young and full of life, energy, and even health.

Philippians 1:9 "And this I pray that your that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment."

Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."

Being in unity with those who share your passions will help you as an individual overcome so many issues, such as depression, hopelessness, sadness, fear, and any inability you have to healthilly interact with others.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Never Stop Dreaming

Never, Ever let your dreams fade away all because  your condition or situation cause you to doubt your dreams will ever be fulfilled. Each of us have unfulfilled dreams which we may have lost all hope of ever coming to pass.  Maybe, now you're physical condition may have changed and you do not think you would ever be able to fulfill a dream you once had. You may have once dreamed of running on a colleghe cross country team or owning a horse ranch one day or helping people with their physical problems. Now, however, you may be in a wheelchair or have to use a cane or walker and in your eyes, there is no possible way you could ever do what you once dreamed of. Or maybe you have run out of money, lost your job, or a relationship you once had has ended, or even you may have been betrayed or let down by a friend or someone you love, and you feel hopeless. Well I have news for you, there is always hope!

I once felt hopeless and felt like I would never achieve any of the goals I once had. I thought with my condition of  being paralyzed in a wheelchair and not even being able to feed myself, that I would never be able to run again, go back to school, go to college, and even get married or have a family one day. Well, to make a long story short, I believed in God's Word of Philippians 1:6 "He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"endured around five years of intense therapy, and now I have graduated highschool, am in college, and am doing most of the things I never thought I would. I believe God is going to fulfilll my dreams now, and He has fulfilled a few of them. There are some dreams which I had that God gave met new dreams to replace those old  ones.
As for those dreams which I will not be able to achieve, because of  a circumstance in my life, I have had new dreams which God gave me. The main thing which kept me going is after I realized that there is always a new level I can achieve, and their will never stop being those levels.

Whether they arre new physical levels, emotional levels, or cognitive levels, each of you reading this have "Next Levels" you can set your mind to achieve. I believe each of you can come up with new dreams to strive for, new levels to aim for, and new goals to achieve.

If God has given you a dream of any size, shape, or form, never doubt for one second that you may not be able to achieve it, or achieve anything like it. He will give you new dreams too if you will ask and believe in Him.
Nothing is impossible with God (Matthew 10:28); Never stop dreaming.

Stay in your purpose

Will B

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Power of Words

How many  of any of you believe your words can either improve your life, drag you down, or  change someone else's life for the better or worse. You can either speak words of life which are those positive, empowering thoughts and words which I talked about in an earlier blog. The words you speak are a direct indication of what is inside your heart and soul. James 3:8,9,10 says, "But no man can tame the tongue. it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. vs.9   With it we bless our God and Father and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. vs. 10a Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing."

You can either speak those uplifting words which will ermpower yourself and others today, or you can speak those negative and critical words today, which will only tear others down and at the same negatively affect yourself. These negative words will possibly even tear you down.

I challenge you today to think  those positive, empowering, and uplifting thoughts.speak Only then can you truly and regularly speak those positive, empowering thoughts for the benefit of others and yourself.

Climb to The Next Level, Will                Any questions?email me at    or  at

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vision Is Beyond Seeing

"Vision is Beyond Seeing." That simple, yet powerful quote lies on a mouse pad in my apartnment. These four words contain a lot of meaning. My vision is to one day have an international ministry which touches many people. I don't see that yet, but that is the vision in the forefront of my mind. And also, I believe one day I will accomplish it through the strength and provision God will give me. Thus, I am determined to do and plan to accomplish all the goals which will help me achieve that vision. What is your vision?

A little over five years ago, I had a vision of walking again and then running again. Although at that time I was paralyzed in my left side and was confined to a wheelchair, I still kept this vision and I believed I would achieve both of those goals. With this vision in the front of my mind, though I couldn't physically see myself walking or running at that exact time, I still kept on doing all the therapy excercises the PT (Shana) made me do.

This vision God gave me strengthened and motivated me to keep on trying, and I walked out of Charlotte Rehab and eventually I was strong enough to run again, and now run  every week.

Whatever vision you have, I encourage you to keep on aiming for that vision, even though you may not see results right away. God gave me the two vision of walking and running mentioned above, and I pressed on doing my excercises despite when my vision told me I was paralyzed or nearly walking with a cane. I believe God has given you a vision of something, or He can give you a vision of something! What I encourage you to do is press on and keep on doing everything the doctors, counselors, therapists, or even your parents tell you to do. Being obedient and compliant goes a long way!

Stay strong, live strong, and stay in your purpose.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Path of Life

What is your Path of Life? I hadn't really thought about this question until  the other day when I  read Psalm 16:11, "You made known to me the path of life; You will feel me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

I realizedI had been shown a path of life on my journey in life, which had led me to my recovery now. My path had consisted of persistence in therapy, excercise, the proper nutrition, being in unity with others, prayer, and dealing with some personal issues I had. I am still on this path of life and will be on for my whole life, but these key truths are what have kept me on the path of life.

What is your path? What does your path of life look like? Your path of life consists of whatever things give you fulfillment, joy, and success. I challenge you today to find your "path of life" and stick to whatevern"it" is.

(Hint) focus on some of your Passions or what gives you Passion.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


How many of you think that after your tbi,your disability, or some kind of disease that your identity has changed? Well it hasn't! You are still the same person as you were before your tbi, disability, illness, or whatever impairment or setback you may be experiencing now. You may have a new set of characterristics or interests, but you are still the same you as before your injury, illness, or setback. This new set of traits does not change the great person you were before. That person is still who you are. Rather than becoming down because you have a few or several disabilities now, look for ways you can  change somebody else's life despite your setback. Now with the new set of characteristics you have now, you can better relate and connect with someone who has your same type of injury or disability. If you choose to minister to somebody else who may be suffering similar or worse conditions than yourself, I promise you will have great joy and a feeling of fulfillment! You will feel like you are actually walking in your purpose! Your life will improve dramatically as well!

I challenge you today to find someone who may have a physical condition like yours or maybe is more limited and encourage them. I promise you will experience happiness/contentment like you've never known!

I know for me I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new." The awesome thing is that I am a new person since I know Christ; He has transformed my life! He will do the same for you wherever you are at.

If you have any questions, or comments about anything I have said above, feel free to email me at or I would love to talk to you; it is my passion to help people with anything so don't hesitate. There are also people here at Living Waters and The Next Level Ministries who would love to talk with you.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hope brings Purpose

Hope brings purpose; wow this is a cool thought. Just having hope gives you purpose, and giving hope to others gives you purpose. I know in my own case, when a good friend would come visit me in the hospital and encourage me, this would give me hope that maybe I would come out of the hospital. I had hope that everything was going to work out and someone out there really cared about me to come visit me. I'm sure the same is true for you. When somebody has come to offer you hope, this makes you feel significant and accepted by that person. It also gives you a sense of worth and value.

I know for me, six years after I went through my critical time in the hospital and have now recovered, I realize how vital hope is to a person's well being and especially to a tbi survivor's well being and recovery. Because of this, now I have a heart to offer hope to others who are going through what I went through. I cannot tell you how fulfilling it is to give hope to somebody. This has given me so much purpose. When you see the words of encouragement that you speak benefit someone else's life or uplift there spirit, the feeling of purpose and joy is awesome.

I encourage you to do the same. Find someone else you can give hope to, and your own life will benefit so much. You will have an amazing feeling of fulfillment and success knowing that something you said or did helped improve somebody else's life. Find at least two people you can give hope to today. You don't have to do something extravagant. You can do something as small as smiling or saying "Its great to see you today" or "How's your day going?" The smallest things, words, or small act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone else's life. Not only this, but it will also give you purpose of knowing how your words have benefited another person's life.

Hope brings  a feeling of being Valuable and loved.

Titus3:14 "And let our people learn to maintain good works to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful."

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Purpose. Thats a powerful word. There's so much jam packed into that one word. What is your purpose? Some people say, "Well thats easy, I'm just here to make people happy." But there's so much more to it than that! Your purpose is who you are and how your talents, skills, abilities, are going to be used to influence others. Well thats great! What a simple definition, it seems like all your problems are over now; you can just be in your purpose. Piece of Cake Right? Wrong!

You have to know how to stay in your purpose! How? I feel like God has shown me  some amazing principles. Here they are;
P is for Passion. What are you passionate about? Find that Passion or passions and stick with that!
U is for Unity. Be in unity with people or a person who is has your same passions! This will give you excitement and will feed your passion!
R is for Responsibilities. Find one or a few responsibilities you can busy yourself with. Maybe its a responsibility of mowing an elderly widow's house or feeding the homeless at a shelter, or even taking the trash out and doing the dishes for your mom/dad. Whichever you choose, these responsibilities will give you fulfillment and assisst you in becoming a more responsible for greater Resposibilities down the road. I promise!
P represents  Positive, empowering thoughts. Every day, I want you to begin each morning thinking thoughts that give you a sense of power and are 110% positive. Think these thoughts every moment of the day you can. Maybe even write them down and take them with you to look at throughout the day. I promise this will change your life! We were created to be positive beings, and the body thrives with happiness, energy, and excitement when positive, uplifting words and thoughts proceed out of our mouths and minds!
O stands for othersStay focused on being with Others and how you can improve the lives of others. We are relational beings and when we focus our efforts on improving other peoples' lives, our lives are automatically benefited! When we focus on improving others' lives rather than our own lives, other people start noticing and want to benefit our life. This is an amazing cycle and I promise it will benefit and change your life! 
  S is for Self. Everyone, whether you're a tbi survivor, a cancer patient, a stroke survivor, or a business man or woman, must do things to benefit themselves. If we do not take time to help ourselves, theres no way we can help others. I know in my own case, I had to help myself by doing therapy on my paralyzed left side, and when that was finally moving, I had to keep on going to intense therapy for five years. And all that was so necessary! Now, six years after my accident, I am finally ready to genuinely help others. Now I have the experiences that I need so that I can speak to other people and help them in some way. Don't grow weary if you're in a season right now of helping yourself. You must help yourself by doing all the things the professionals or your parents or boss tell  you to do, and once you have done this to the best of your ability for the appropriate time, then you can truly help others.

E is for Everyday. Each of the letters of p-u-r--p-o-s-e that I have just mentioned stands for an amazing principle, and each of these principles are so so powerful! I promise if you can strive to practice doing each of these principles on a daily basis, your life will truly be transformed. People will want to talk to you and be around you, because you will be so full of life and fulfillment! Try me, you won't be dissapointed.

If you have any questions about anything I have said, anything you are experiencing, or you just need someone to talk to email me at, or at I'd love to talk with you and there are people here at tbi hope, Living Waters, or the Next Level Ministries who would love to talk to you and help or just listen.

Until next time, Stay Passionate and be in Unity.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Next Level

Everyone has a next level. Whether you are a tbi survivor, a cancer patient, a stroke survivor, a person with cholestrol, a mom of five, a dad who works for a fortune  500 company, we all have a Next Level we can climb to. For me, I couldn't walk until I was strong enough to get up out of my wheelchair. I wasn't able to walk with a can until I had strengthened my legs enough to walk forward, and I wasn't strong enough to walk without assistance until I was strong enough to do so. I wasn't strong enough to run until my legs had enough strength and coordination and my abs were strong enough to support me.

In the same way, I wasn't able to go to college until I had graduated highschool, and taken the placement tests. I also wouldn't be able to speak to all the people I have spoken to now, unless I had gone through the journey I have gone through of recovering from a severe tbi and 6 strokes.   The cool thing is that in each of my levels, Christ has given me strength Philppians 4:13 to overcome them and He has been my solid rock Psalm 62:6. "He alone is my rock, I shall not be moved."

Maybe for you, your "Next Level" is walking again, passing a test, or being able to use your left hand again, or eating your food by yourself again.

God will give you strength at whatever level you are at, and He'll give you strength to master that level so that you can go on the the next level. For you, that may be just staying more joyful. Whatever your "Next Level" is I encourage you to press on. Philippians 3:12 says, "Not that I have already attained or am already perfected, but I press on so that I might lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of me."

Another point I want to make is that God loves extends His love to each of you reading this; I wants to pull you up out of whatever hopeless situation you are at, and bring you up to His level. His level is an amazing relationship with Jesus Christ who loves you more than you can imagine. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  Romans 10:9, "That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, You will be saved."  Christ offers His hand to you to pull you up to His level, a relationship with His Son.

Stay Passionate
We all have levels

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Whoever Calls on Him

Romans 10:13 says, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Some fifteen years ago I called on the name of Jesus and He saved me from my sins as a young boy. Also some six years ago I was in a horrific accident and afterwards was paralyzed and nearly non-functional. Well I called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and He saved me from that to, and now I am a living testimony of the power of God and how He is the all mighty healer. See, I should be in a wheelchair right now, or in an institution, but I run every week my passion is to offer hope to others who have gone through similar experiences as I have.

The point I'm trying to make is that all you have to do is call on the name of the Lord Jesus, believe in Him, and He will save you where you are at and pull you up out of whatever mess/tragedy you are in. I know He will, He did for me.  Again, any questions? my email is

What is Your Vision

Guys I heard a quote the other day and it went something like this, "People are either guided by their circumstances, or they are guided by their vision." I thought that was an awesome qoute and immediately I stopped what I was doing and wrote it down, I think Larry Burkette might have said it, but it is so true. I don't know about you, but I want to be guided by my vision. I want to see people's lives transformed through the power of Christ and through staying in their purpose, giving their bodies the right nutrition, and walking in a state of constant forgiveness of others, which is freedom in my opinion. I strive everyday I can to let this be the motivating factor in my life. It doesn't bother me as much that my some of friends may have left me. I have the ultimate goal of impacting other peoples' lives and offering hope to tbi survivors and so many other people.

What is your passion? What drives you forward so that when your circumstances cause your life to shake or shift, you can keep your heart focused on a purpose that is so much greater than any problem out there. Maybe you feel like you don't have a vision or purpose. I encourage you today to email me at and I'd love to help you find your vision and help discover the purpose God has for you!  

Check out  our ministry website at