Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Driving Force

Last night my father and I burned a huge pile of leaves and brush. In the center there were damp leaves that had sat there for months so we had to put empty animal feed bags on the outside to provide initial fuel for the fire to burn all the damp materials. I remember walking away from the fire to go help my dad with something else, and I had a little uncertainty that it would all burn. As we drove across our property my dad claimed, "water, wind, and fire; three of the most destructive forces on earth." It was amazing how the rainstorm that had occurred in previous months had caused many of the branches to be broken off that we were burning. The wind had blown them off after the rain come down in a torrential downpour. The fire was now consuming everything in that circle of brush. The wind could also have made that fire spread and catch much more on our property and in the surrounding area on fire, which concerned me.

Nevertheless, after we had finished with some tasks, we came back to the fire. I was amazed to see that much of everything was consumed in the flame. We raked some things on the outside into the fire and threw a couple more items on.

I was amazed at how hot that little ring of fire had become. At one point it was just a cold, damp, dormant, lifeless pile of brush. It was not doing anything to benefit anybody, so we had to burn it. All of the sudden that lifeless pile of brush found itself consumed in an unquenchable flame, and there was nothing it could do to escape.

I realized this passion had to become the driving force of my life. I had to warn as many people as I could to turn from their sins and accept the gift of eternal life through Christ here and in the life to come.
As we threw a couple things into the fire and raked stray leaves in, I could barely handle being a couple feet from the fire. I was horrified at the thought that some people live their whole lives, miserably  for themselves, and never reach out to Jesus Christ for their salvation. Unfortunately these people, unless they come to faith bin Christ right before their death, (which is very rare), will die and go to a hell of eternal flame, according to the Word of God. Romans 6:23 claims, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." So many people live their lives like this dormant, lonely, miserable pile of brush and never accept the gift of God's Son Jesus Christ, for eternal life.
  And yet it is so easy. You do not have to die in your sins and go to hell. You can experience this gift of life in Christ Jesus today, for the rest of your life, and for eternity. If you will turn from your sin, repent, believe in and place your faith in Jesus Christ and in His sacrifice for your sins on the cross (John 3:16), you will be saved from your sinful, miserable lifestyle. You will become a Child of God and all the privileges of being a divine heir of the throne of God will be yours. You will have the opportunity to experience abundant life in this life and the next! Turn to Christ Today.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Love- A Glimpse of Your Purpose

Jesus gave us His two greatest commands in Mark 12:30.31. Here, Jesus claims, "30 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’3131 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

What if we could be a generation who loved? What if people began to realize that the atheistic, secular teachings of "Live for yourself and live for your best life now" are unfulfilling.

You see, Jesus wants you to accept His love today. He daily offers you the free gift of His love. He will give you His love so that you will be saved and you can give that love to every person you encounter in this life.

This is your purpose. You were created to love. You were created to accept God's love and give your life to Him.

Lets be a generation of love people. Everyday look for ways to give out love to others.

Accept God's love for you today. Surrender your life to the love of God.

Monday, August 18, 2014

2 Corinthians 12:10, "That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

Isaiah 53:3, "He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem."

Romans 5:3,4 "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

Everyone is appalled at the immense sufferings that Christians are suffering in Iraq, Syria, and Iran. It seems unfair, unheard of. Christians have gathered to a lone mountain near Irbil, Iraq and there they are hiding for their lives as ISIS tries to kill all remaining Christians.

A near 500,000 people have been displaced because of these devastating attacks by ISIS.

The best thing we can do is pray for those suffering from these atrocities. While the fire of persecution is definitely falling in Iraq, Syria, and other places like Iran, this does not exsclude America from any chance of suffering. 

We must pray for those in Iraq, Syria, and other parts of the middle east as they suffer.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What Is Truth

When Jesus Christ was being tried before Pilate, John records the words spoken to Jesus by Pilate in John 18:38. In this account, Pilate looks at Jesus, and claims, "What is truth." That was an extremely powerful statement and one that Pilate probably did not understand the importance of. He did not realize that the author of truth, and the one who could save Him stood in front of Him. Pilate never realized what truth was, but He had Jesus crucified.

In our modern day American culture, nobody really understands what truth is. So many think that truth is relative. Yet if this was the case then this country and world would not work, because everyone, including Politicians, pastors, and police officers would do whatever felt right to them.

Society would fall apart if truth was relative.

According to Evolution, there is no absolute truth, because we came from slime. Thus we are simply evolved creatures.

This is false. There must be an Absolute Truth, and that absolute truth is found in the God who created everything we see.

According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Thus we see the evolutionary big bang is impossible. There had to have been a creator of the Universe, and that creator is the Almighty God.

God is the source of truth.

So I ask you, what is truth to you?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Generation of Revolution

On the horizon, we can see it happening. People's lives are beginning to change. People realize that God can and will work a miracle in anyone's life. People are embracing the love God has for them.

You see God's love is so much more real than Opera, mtv, vh1, American eagle, BMW, hip hop, and everything out there that is trying to get your attention.

Scientists are beginning to realize that there is simply not enough evidence to support an evolutionary big bang. There is no possible way molecules could have formed into carbon in the supposed evolutionary early earth atmosphere. There was no oxygen present.

All the fossils (Lucy, wajak man, wajak man II) have proven to be simply frauds where evolutionists have pieced together bones from other fossil finds to try and prove their theories to be true.

Because of the second law of thermodynamics, we see that everything that exists had to have had a beginning. That beginning could only have been God.

We see in the first law of thermodynamics that energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Thus, we see that the Big Bang could not have been possible.

Only a creator God is the best explanation for the origin of the universe.

There is a creator God and He wants to be a part of your life because He loves you more than you can comprehend. Respond to and embrace His love today. Repent and tell others of the new life in Christ you have found. God will save you right where you are at.

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Revolution

I want you to realize that although you may feel as if you are running in circles, although you may feel as if your life is in shambles, or although you may feel like you may never recover from the mess you made, the world is not over. There is still hope. God is shouting to you right now, wanting you to respond to Him. He invites you to let Him have control of your life. He wants to be your Savior, your source, your lifesource. Romans 10:13 says, “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” God wants to save you. He wants to take whatever hopeless situation you may be in and turn it around to be a hope-filled situation. Give your life to Christ and let Him become Lord of your life. Right now, you see there is a glimpse of hope in the distance. Embrace the love God has for you today and walk into the life of hope, purpose, and destiny God has planned for you.

There needs to be a revolution. This revolution is against the lie that your life is hopeless, is meaningless and/or has no significance.

There is a revolution full of people who realize that the lies of this current world's message of popularity and success is false. People are realizing that everything other than knowing God and having a relationship with Him is the only thing which truly gives purpose or meaning in life.

I invite you to join this revolution. Embrace God's love today. Walk away from your empty pursuit of fame, wealth, friends, or success. Everything on this earth will fade. Only God, His children, and love for Him will last forever. All other is meaningless.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Desire For Something More

Within each of us there lies a desire for something more. We each desire to be better somehow. Each of us wants to succeed in life. However, many times we don't always succeed at gaining any progress or getting any better. Many of you have tried numerous times to better yourself, and each day you end up feeling empty and hopeless. You feel as if you have no purpose or meaning in life.

Today, God wants to rescue you from this state of hopelessness. He wants to give you an expected hoe and a future. God wants to bless you today beyond what you can imagine.

Why don't you accept God's love today and embrace to walk in the path He has established for you.

Don't try to live based on your own strength. Live today with God's help and allow Him to order your steps.

In Romans 8:3839 we read, "For I am persuaded that not even death or life,
angels or rulers,
things present or things to come, hostile powers,
39 height or depth, or any other created thing
will have the power to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!"

Accept God's love today and place your faith and trust in Him!

I have found God's love and a way to minister to others by telling them about amazing glyconutrients that will gives optimal health for a broken body.

Check It Out:

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Examine Yourself

Each of you take a moment to think about your present situation. Look at your where you are in life right now. Look at your desires; look at your goals; look at your fears; look at issues or things that make you angry in life.

In life, we all have groups of needs that we need to have met in order for us to function optimally as healthy human beings. Children grow up and they need these basic needs met in their lives. These needs include love, acceptance, nurture, respect, and appreciation.

For many people, these needs are not met when they are children and they grow up without these essential needs being met. Thus they end up going to all kinds of various places to fill these needs in their lives.

Maybe for you, you realize that as a child, your parents or lack thereof, never really met your needs in life as you were growing up.

Now you realize why you have been going to all these different places, different people, or different activities or substances to fill that emotional need in your life. Maybe you feel your life is in shambles or a wreck.

What you need is for God to personally become your Lord and Savior in life. When you accept Christ's sacrifice on the cross and embrace God's love, God's love can meet and satisfy every one of your needs. As a believer in God, no longer do you have  hopelessness and despair in life. With God as your Savior, you have peace on this earth and the hope of eternal life in heaven.

Will you please respond to God's love today, accept the love He has for you, and choose to walk in a new purpose?

Embrace God's love and walk in a new purpose of sharing His love with the world!
Romans 10:9, "That if you will believe in your heart the Lord Jesus, and confess with your mouth
 that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Here is one way I have learned to walk in purpose by sharing God's love with others, by helping them gain optimal health through optimal nutrition:

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Recent Tragedy: A Call To Live For Now

We just heard about the 2nd Malaysian airliner that crashed over the top of Ukraine and Russian border. 300 people were killed in a matter of moments.

Just like that, people were minding their own business, thinking everything was fine.

I'm sure that some thought that they were living in purpose and life was fine.

I'm sure there were so many on the plane who had no concept of who God was.

They thought that going about their daily lives was enough to get them to heaven.

The problem is, is that so many on that plane and so many on a daily basis die with no real concept that God has a purpose for their lives and He desires that people will believe in Him.

How about you, do you have any concept of your purpose in God?

Do you understand that once you give your life to God, He will become Lord of your life and He will give you a renewed purpose.

He will take away your feelings of hopelessness and despair and replace them with love, value, and worth.

Believe in God today, accept the love He has for you, and embrace the divine purpose He desires for you to fulfill.

For me, I have found purpose in God by accepting Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and placing my faith in Him for salvation.

For you, I challenge you to do this today. Live for now by choosing not to just live for yourself. Accept God's love and choose to live for the benefit of others by spreading His love.

I have found purpose in life by spreading God's love, but also helping people find optimal health and nutrition in their lives.

Learn more about it Here:

God's love has transformed my life and Mannatech has transformed my physical wellbeing and wellness.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Created To Love

Listen, people, can you believe that if you are a Child of God, your purpose in life is to freely give out the love you have been given. Each of us has been given an immeasurable supply of love. The big question for us is are we going to give that love to others? Our purpose in this life is to love other people in the way God has loved us. We do this by using our gifts to minister to the needs of others.
"[ God Is Love ] Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
I want you to reflect on this verse. Do you truly love God? Do you truly love others? Do you love yourself? Are you daily giving the love of God to others?  Maybe for you, you have never known the love of God. You do not understand what it means to be saved by God's love. I challenge you to examine your own life and see if you have any sort of love, joy, peace, or fulfillment. Do you wonder why you are here or why you exist in life?
You are here to bring glory to God by loving others, but you may not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Or you may not have accepted Christ's Free gift of eternal life.
 Give your life to God today. Believe in His Son Jesus Christ and put your faith in His Sacrifice on The Cross. He will save you and give you a life of purpose and meaning and love.
Now, if you do know  Christ as your Savior, you are a reserve of love. Open up your faucet of love today and freely give it to others.
I have found my purpose in God and through Helping Others find a better quality of life and optimal health through nutrition with Mannatech. Check This Out!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A key to walking in our purpose

Judging Others     (Matthew 7:1-5)

“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and [a]by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how [b]can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

***I want each of you to examine your own life. 

How is your relationships with all the people in your life?

Are you walking in Purpose?

Do you walk in joy, fulfillment, happiness, and love towards each person in your life?

Ask God to show this to you?

Is your life filled with judging others or becoming angry at others?

God wants you to forgive those whom you judge.

God wants you to ask Him to forgive you for judging others.

Do you feel peace, love, joy, fulfillment in life?

Do you feel your life has purpose or meaning?

What or who do you believe in?

God wants to reach down and give you a new sense of purpose, destiny, love, and fulfillment in life.

If you will call upon God today to save you, He will save you and give you the free gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus. 

You may have read or heard this a thousand times, but the truth of God's Word is always relevant to your situation. 

Romans 10:9,10 says,
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, [f]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [g]resulting in salvation."

In faith do the simple steps of what these verses say.

Romans 10:13 says, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Believe on Him Today. Call on Him in Faith Today, and God will save you and give you a purpose.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Deciscion To Make

How can you implement purpose and power into your life?

How can you turn the tide in the relationships around you?

On a daily basis who can you speak words of power, life, love and Holiness to?

How can you rework the thinking in your own life to begin thinking on, and speaking words of purpose and power that will help you and others find the path to purpose, and fulfillment and joy?

Take a moment to reflect 0n your own life and pray about your current state of walking, thinking, and speaking in thoughts and words of power and love. In 2 Timothy 1:7 we read “He has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.”

After much thought and prayer about this, I want each of you to consider how you may not be operating out of this Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind in each of your relationships and daily life activities. Seek to ask forgiveness of this, and choose to forgive those you may have unforgiveness, anger, resentment,  or bitterness towards.

This is one of the ultimate keys to each of us walking in our true God-given purpose. As you begin peeling away in your life, each layer of unforgiveness, hurt, anger, and pain, you will find that slowly but surely the chains that held you bound to negative habits, relational difficulties, and bouts of anger or depression, will begin to fall off. You will be able to step into your true purpose and calling once you begin to forgive those people in the past who have caused you to develop the sinful, hurtful, or negative patterns towards one or several people.

Consider who you are not truly ewalking in unity towards.

Final Application:

 Maybe for you, you feel as if you have lost all hope of ever truly walking in your purpose. You feel lonely, isolated, and like you could never amount to anything or have any sort of purpose.

NEWSFLASH: There is a God who loves you.

God wants to take you into His Arms and save you.

God has a very special Purpose For your life.

That purpose is far different than you could ever imagine.

All God asks of you is that you believe in Him, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and dedicate your life to Him.

God asks you to no longer live for yourself. God gives you the free gift of eternal life, but He wants your life so that He can use you to fulfill an amazing purpose in this life.

God wants to save you from hell and use you to share His love with others so they too will be saved from hell by God's immense love.

Each of you reading this today have a choice to make.

What will you do with this free gift of love and eternal life that Christ is offering to you?

John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever will believe in Him will have eternal life."

I challenge you today, to push past your fears and reach for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ that is being offered to you today.

Your hopelessness will be changed into destiny and purpose when you accept Christ's gift of eternal life..

Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Second Great Awakening

The Problem in our society is moral filth and a lack of Christian values. People no longer respect the Word of God. In the 18th century when the Great Awakening happened, people saw the power of God like never before. George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the Wesley brothers had been preaching for months to the people.

People developed a deep conviction of sin and a thirst for God.

The atmosphere in America was ripe for a move of God.

A group of young people began praying for reform in the country.

Soon, many groups of young people began praying with intensity.

If people, young and old, will get on their knees before God today and selflessly pray for the country of America, we will see another Great awakakening.

Rheinhard Bonke and Billy Graham have both spoken the word that America will be saved.

We are on the precipice of a mighty move of God.

He is calling his Children to pray.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Love Is The Key To Purpose In This Life

1John 4:7,8 claims, 7 "Beloved let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Do you Truly love God?     Do you truly love others?    Do you truly love yourself?

You my friend need to ask yourself, "Do I truly love God? Do I fully realize the immmense love God has for me? Does my life daily reflect a life in which God's love is evident.

*      You see, unless you first accept into your heart the love God has for you, believe in Him, and then love God with all of your heart, you will not be able to truly love other people. You will not truly be able to love yourself, because you do not realize that the Creator God of this universe immensely loves you and has a divine plan for you.  Once you believe in God and His love for you ayou can place your faith in His Son Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross to pay for your sins.

*  Once you accept God's love into your heart, believe in Him by placing your faith in His Son Jesus Christ's sacrifice to pay your sin debt, then you turn from your sinful lifestyle and repent of your sins.
You look at your present life of selfish living and sinfulness, and you realize you don't want to live that way any longer. You become sorry for your sin, repent and are born again into a new life in Christ.

  Look at your life today and ask yourself if you are truly walking in purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

*   Are You satisfied with your life? Do you daily wake up with joy, excitement, and anticipation.

*   Do you feel heart-felt love towards everyone you know? Do you love yourself?

*  Maybe you feel miserable on a daily basis.

If you feel miserable, you need to give your life to Jesus Christ.

*  First you need to develop a love for God; once you do this, you will be able to love yourself and others. Most importantly, you will be saved from your life of sin and misery.

I Promise you, there is no belief in atheism which will give you joy and peace or a sense of purpose in life. All the other religious deities are dead or non existant.

Only Jesus Christ is alive forever more.

1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Romans 10:9, "Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

If you have any questions about any of This, please email me at or I would love to talk to you about any questions or comments.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

YOu might be floundering right now,  and wandering if you even have a purpose in life and if you are ever going to  amount to anything. You look at your marriage and it is in shambles. Your kids are rebelling, and you may lose your job.

God has a purpose for your life if you will just trust Him.

Romans 10:13 says, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

In Matthew 6 I believe Jesus instructs His followers to strive to forgive those who have wronged them. H even claims that if you can learn to forgive others, that it will enable God to forgive you of your sins. However, if you refuse to forgive people their trespasses, God will not forgive yours.

I'm not saying that if you have any ounce of unforgiveness towards anyone that God will refuse to forgive you.

However, if you have bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart towards anyone, God will hold you accountable for the same things you judge in others and he there will be areas in your life where God may not extend His grace for a period.

So, I challenge you today, forgive all those who have hurt you.

Therein lies your key to walk in purpose and fulfillment.

Maybe you have never accepted the  gift of salvation which Christ offers you.

If you will repent of your sins, and "that if you will "confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

Maybe your looking for something to devote yourself to today that will help you feel accomplished, provide income, provide for you family, and help feed malnourished children.

Check This Out:

Or, email me

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beauty In The Trials

Beauty In The Trials
You might be wondering, “Well how do all the trials I am facing prepare me for my purpose tomorrow?” As a believer in Christ, each of us has a special set or group of gifts to which we have been blessed with through Christ. Every human being is born with a special set of unique characteristics and gifts that he can use to benefit humanity. In Ephesians 4, we read of how each believer in Christ has been granted grace by being given a gift or gifts in the Holy Spirit to benefit the body of Christ. Every believer in Christ has been endowed with these special gifts so that he can build up the body of Christ through works of service to minister to the needs of the body of Christ and to lost, broken humanity. This is why Jesus told us what the greatest commandment was in Matthew 22:37-39, “’Love The Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” I remember, I used to read this passage nonchalantly and did not realize what it meant. I did not see how it applied to purpose.
What I have realized in my journey of purpose is that God has allowed me to pass through a journey filled with many trials, yet He has not allowed me to go through it helpless. As I mentioned earlier, God has given each of us gifts. Now, why in the world would God give us gifts and abilities if he did not provide us opportunities to exercise those gifts and develop our spiritual muscles? God wants his children to first love God with all of their hearts, but then he does not want them to stop there. God wants us to put our love into action by using our gifts and abilities to benefit the body of Christ and also the lost, broken, and dying world. God calls us as His children to express our love for Him and others by ministering to and meeting the needs of the people we come into contact with.
God allowed me to go through my journey of purpose so that I would first learn to completely trust in Him to find my purpose. He also wanted to teach me that in my life, He wants me to take the hurts, issues of anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, and sorrow and be freed of them through forgiveness. Only once I was able to truly walk in freedom of the issues of the past hurts or failures was I able to begin to use God’s gifts for my life to benefit others. I also learned through my trials how to be patient, how to endure much suffering, how to choose joy in the suffering, and thus I gained a much greater appreciation for the life God has blessed me with. Now, eight years later, after going through all the fire, I can walk into the purpose God has for me.
I have had to learn that daily I must directly face the issues I struggle with. I have had to express to those people who have hurt me, how their pain has made me feel pain. Through expressing myself in this way and talking through the hurts and offenses I have been able to go to Father God and pray to forgive the individuals who have hurt me and truly release them. I have realized that through expressing the issues of pain with the individuals or with someone else, and sometimes through simply writing these hurts down on paper, I have been able to truly pray to the Father and forgive and release them in my heart. Thus I can truly fulfill God’s greatest ommandment by loving Him and loving others by using the gifts God has blessed me with by ministering to the needs of others. Thus, I have found my true purpose and daily, though not always perfectly, I have learned to walk in my purpose.
Maybe for you, you might be going through or have gone through  similar physical or emotional  problems or series of events in your life and you do not know how to make sense of all the trials you are facing or have had to face. Nothing makes sense to you, and you do not feel like forgiving anyone right now, especially after that certain individual or those individuals did that terrible thing to you, and left you feeling devastated. You do not feel as if you could ever forgive him/her for what they did to you. You feel as if you were completely innocent and undeserving of the emotional or physical harm that you feel was caused.
You also feel right now like you are an outsider looking in at all the world around you. You do not feel like anybody understands you or wants to speak to you. You feel all alone and miserable inside. You feel hopeless and isolated from the world. Daily you may struggle with depression and anxiety. You feel as if the only reason you are alive is to exist or simply pay the bills or try to make an effort every day to drive to work and perform the same functions everyday, just so at the end of the week you get our pay check.
I remember feeling much the same way as all the scenarios I Have described above. I felt hopeless, alone, afraid, and isolated. I felt as if the world did not want to listen to anything I had to say. I felt terrified to speak to anyone unless they spoke to me. My world seemed as if it was caving in on a daily basis. I felt as if I had gone through some of the worst physical and emotional storms on earth, and nobody understood or could understand me. I remember daily waking up with no joy or peace in life. I had to swallow the fact that I might be physically debilitated for life. I struggled with the thought that I might not ever have normal, flowing relatinoships with family and friends.
Yet there came a time when I realized I had to change. I began my journey of forgiveness. I pushed past the discomfort and I disciplined myself to forgive and walk out my forgiveness. Only then was I freed from the hopelessness and misery. Only once I forgave was I given a clearer sense of my purpose and calling. Only then was I able to walk in fulfillment and confidence that I would soon be able to fully walk into my purpose as a born again child of God. Once I had dealt with the hurts and issues of the past I was able to step into my purpose and I began seeing amazing things happen. God began opening doors for me like never before. I realized that the 7 or 8 years of my journey of trials and hardship had been used to mold and shape my Spirit into something far better than what I had ever been. I began to see God’s beauty was being formed in me.

This is my prayer for you as you read this book and apply the truths that I learned in my journey. I hope these truths and principles will be used to shape you as you journey into your true purpose and identity. 
I want you to realize that your freedom from all the baggage you carry, all the lies you believe, and all the hopelessness you feel lies in dealing with the issues of your heart.

Your key to walking in the fullness of your purpose, getting a clear direction in life, and finding fulfillment and peace in this life of uncertainty lies in your being able to truly love others by coming to a place of forgiveness towards all who have hurt you, despised you, or rejected you. You will not be able to truly walk in a manner which is free of fear, guilt, anger, or sadness unless you first deal with those areas of darkness (past hurt, anger, sadness) in your own heart.
The Question of Love
            I want to ask you something; “Do you truly want to love others unconditionally and love those whom you come into contact with?
You cannot truly love others until you first learn to love yourself.
You truly learn to love yourself by dealing with the issues of he heart that have bothered you for years. All those things that others (family, friends, etc.) have done in the past to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally, you have to forgive those things in your inner self in order to truly love yourself and truly be able to love others.