Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Crying out

mannamotion.com/2659238We read in Psalm 106:44, "Nevertheless He regarded their affliction, When He heard their cry;"

In Romans 10:13 we read, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

In the Old Testament, people constantly cried out to God, and He would hear them and answer them. Many times, the Lord would answer with grace and mercy and relieve suffering.

In the New Testament, we read where God answers the cry of the lost by sending Jesus Christ to save them from their sins.

Won't you cry out to Jesus today?

Jesus wants to answer your cry.

Maybe daily you are crying out, longing and hoping for something greater or different. Maybe you long for a change.

Maybe you long for hope.

Are you hopeless?

Today, Jesus wants to give you hope and Salvation.
Jesus wants to heal your heart.

Cry out to Jesus today.