Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year's Resolution?

What would you say your new year's resolution is? Many people come out with all kinds of resolutions. I recently read in the New York Times website that some of the top New years resolutions are, "I'm going to lose weight", I'm going to stop smoking,  I'm going to get physically fit"and "I'm going to stop drinking".  What about coming up with a resolution that is completely different than anything you have ever thought of? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all the resolutions are trivial and unimportant. I believe these are all great resolutions. However notice they all share one thing in common, "I'm". As humans, we have no pupose in this life outside of how we influence and impact others.

Just think about it; A life completely devoted to serving yourself. That would give no satisfaction whatsoever. We are relational beings, designed to relate to and serve others. This is why God created two people, not just one. We must give advice, and help to others in order for others to thrive and and likewise we must depend on others to gain this same fulfillment.

An old chinese proverb says, "If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap. If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing. If you want happiness for a month -- get married. If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else."

All these things listed give you only temporary satisfaction. Why not focus your efforts on how you can improve others' lives?

I know for me, only when I am pouring into others' lives just a little nugget of the hope I have in Jesus Christ do I really have any fulfillment.

I encourage you to find people you can impact in a positive way. More importantly, I challenge you to allow Jesus Christ to transform your life like He did mine.

Romans 10:9 says, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart the Lord Jesus, you will be saved." Then Romans 10:11 says, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  It doesn't say you will be saved if you're a good enough person or if you have not committed a certain amount of sins. No the Bible says, "WHOEVER calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"

Get this! Then once you have been accepted by Christ because you have placed your faith in Him and believed, Romans 8:1 says, "There is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." You will live a life free of condemnation and shame, because Jesus Christ has transformed your life!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Be Careful What You Believe

Before I dive into the heart of the matter, let me explain a little of short story from my past.

When I was in the hospital and in the coma for 40 days there were many negative words spoken over me. Yet, however my family and friends would rush into the room right after these negative words were spoken and proclaim the Truth of what God said. (Remember, life and death are in the tongue)
After 40 days, despite what every doctor in the hospital said, I came out of the coma.

Later, when I was in therapy in inpatient rehab, my physical therapist told me as a sat in a wheel chair, "You will walk again, with time." This was a truth and I believed it, and I was able to walk. I then determined in my heart that I would walk out of Charlotte Rehab, without a cane. I told this to my therapist, and she said, "Ok, you can walk out of here without a cane, but it will take some work on your part." I heard this and thought, "Ok I am going to work as hard as I can, and I will walk out of here without a cane." I worked hard and walked out with no cane!
(Remember: life and death are in the power of the tongue).

I then got home and after a while I went to another physical therapist, and I told him that I wanted to run again on my cross country team. He then told me I would be able to run but it would take some hard, sometimes painful work on my part. I heard this and determined in my heart that I would do whatever it took to run again, and I was able to join the cross country team that fall.

You might be wondering why am I telling you this, but the point I'm trying to make is our words are powerful! Many of you hear a professional doctor, phsychologist, therapist, parent, or even a friend tell us something and we listen to that word and think,"Oh well, this is as far as I will ever go", or "Oh well I am going home to die in three months", but you never realize those are mere words. Listen, my famliy was told I would not make it through the night, but I sit typing this today, a  young man who runs and is in college.

James 3:5-6 says, "Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest, a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature and is set on fire by hell."

 What lies are you believing today that someone has told you that has caused you to lose hope? What bad report are you believing today that is causing you to live in depression,fear, and hopelessness?

Why not believe what God says. In Matthew 19:26 Jesus said, "With God, all things are possible."

Paul said, "You are healed by the blood of Jesus Christ."

You see, my family didn't listen to the negative reports of the doctors that I would die, because they knew that God said I could be healed if they would believe. Now if they had listened to what the doctors said and lost hope, I probably would have ended up much worse.

If I hadn't had therapists, pastors, and friends tell me I could walk again and then run again, I probably would still be in a wheelchair.

You might have heard somebody tell you something terrible and you have decided that is truth, and there's nothing you can do.

I have news for you! With God, all things are possible! Give him your life today in belief and repentance of your sins and believe you can cross every mountain and face every challenge you face with His strength.

Doctors don't have all the answers, but my Heavenly Father does.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Experiences and Passion

I would say three of the most important things for just about anybody and more so for a tbi survivor, stroke survivor, or any kind of a survivor of any traumatic event, is number 1  focus on staying passionate and doing the things one is passionate about. Number two, is make sure you are venturing out and coming across new experiences. Number three, probably my favorite, is always treat others in the correct way and always handle the problems which might arise from what others nmight do, in the appropriate way. 

As individuals, each of us need something we are passionate about. This will give excitement, fulfillment, and a sense of being accomplished, to our lives. Not to mention this will promote brain activity and help us to fight depression.  We were created to be passionate people, not boring, humorless people who do nothing to benefit others and ourselves.

Always treat others with respect and acceptance,  no matter what. When others do things that might hurt you or make you feel criticized, don't hold that hurt inside your heart. You must get it out by talking it through with somebody and forgiving that person who hurt/offended you. I guarantee you that that initial pain of that hurt you felt from that person will fester and will only get worse and cause you to have problems with other people in your life. Numerous clinical studies have proven this, including those done by author and Counselor Henry Cloud and numerous others.

Always seek to diversify your life with new experiences which will give you joy and add excitement to your life.  This is truly one of the best therapies for anybody. This helps get your focus off your present circumstance and unto something more joyful and pleasant. Successful people never did the same thing day in and day out. New experiences gives you the opportunity to meet new people and interact with new people, establish new relationships and have so much more to talk about.

For me, I have found my passion to be helping others and spreading the message of what God has done in my life. My passions are Jesus Christ and also running, working out, meeting new people, and nutrition. I will tell you my greatest passion is Christ and what He has done in my life, there is nothing like an eternal relationship with  Jesus Christ, the creator of this universe who has redeemed me and set me free from a life of sin and hopelessness. I challenge you to email me about the Savior who has transformed my life and will change your life forever! williamb374@msn.com.

The others I interact with are my friends, church members, family members, professors, and all the people I travel around and speak to. The most important Other person in my life is Jesus Christ. Who are your others?
  Do you know Jesus?

I love new experiences. I always strive to  diversify my life with new experiences by going to new places and meeting new people. It's one of my Passions. What are some of your new experiences? I challenge you to diversify your life with new experiences>