Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Climbing to the next Level". It's a term many of us have heard at one point or another. It might e voke warm fuzzy feelings or it might make us feel envigorated to want to succeed or go run a 5 k or something. For many of us, we hear the phrase and think, "Man, if I could only go to the next level in my job, or if I could only go to the next level in my marriage or become the fastest marathon runner." We think of all these "if then" statements. Some of us may not be able to do very much at all so our level might be being able to walk without a cane or walker or maybe to get out of bed on your own. However, whether anyone realizes it or not, everyone reading this is trying to get to the next level of something in their lives. We all have a longing to become better at whatever it is we find to do. We want to become the kind of people that others will be drawn to or will want to be around. Yet for many of you reading this, you fight and fight, push and push, and strive to be that "ideal" person you think everyone will want or desire. You may be trying to fit the perfect mold you think the perfect guy or girl will want.  If this sounds like you, I have good news for you.

I have a Savior, Jesus Christ who unconditionally accepts me no matter what I  do wrong. His love for His children is limitless. Nothing is able to seperate us from His love. Many, including myself have found their fulfillment and identity in Him so, despite the opininlos of others, nothing will convince me nor my brothers and sisters that our Savior and Father has unconditional and never ending love and acceptance for His children.

Does this make you wonder, "Wow I wonder how I can experience this love? How can this all powerful being become my Father and Savior as He is to so many people. Why can't I experience this peace, fullfillment, and fulfillment which the Savior Jesus Christ gives to His children?"

All you need to do is believe in Him, and what He did for you.Surrender your life to Him. Commit your life to Him. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and live for Him.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

C.S. Lewis claimed that the fact that we have a moral sense of right and wrong is a direct indication that There is an Almighty God who created us with convictions, beliefs, a sense of right and wrong, and the multitude of human emotions/feelings which evolution cannot account for. Jesus Christ is the only Deity who died and rose again. All other religions have suppossed "deities" who have all died and no longer have power and are non-existant in the lives of those individuals who put faith in them.   The God of Christianity is the only Being who will give vision, purpose, and extends  His love is what motivated the first pilgrims to sail across the Atlantic to found the Great Nation of America. The Love of God compelled the founders of America to establish America as "One nation under God." The Love of God is what compells Samaritans Purse to be the first organization to provide relief to many natural disasters. His love compells us and will give you a Vision for your life.

Many people have no vision for their lives. In the Bible, Jeremiah 1:4-5, God tells Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." In the book of 2 Timothy, the Apostle Paul exhorts us, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power,love and a sound mind."

The Point is this; God has given His children the gift of love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. HIs love has given countless individuals so much vision and purpose.

I have found this vision. I might have been through some pretty Intense trials in my life, yet I know God's plan for my life still holds true. His love still follows me daily. Walking in the love of God is so real, and so much more fulfilling than anything else this life offers. MY vision compells me to write this blog, study in college, and speak to as many individuals as I can of God's love and purpose for their lives.

How about you? Do you have Purpose? Do you have vision? Do you feel like anybody truly cares about you and loves you or has a genuine interest in your life?

Surrender to Christ. In Romans, Paul claims, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

He will save you from whatever trial you are facing lin life right now. He will save you and give you a purpose in life. Christ and He will save you and give you a brand new life. 
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