Saturday, December 15, 2012

"The Power of Words"; A response to the Connecticut shootings

Proverbs 18:21 says, "Life and Death are in the Power of the Tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it, [for death or to life].

The Words we say can either completely ruin someone's day or they can completely brighten somebody's day. I cannot begin to tell you how many times someone has spoken a kind word to me which has completely transformed my day. I remember when I was still in a wheelchair and my pastor told me, "You WILL run again; it's in your name, Will".Those words motivated me for years after that and still do, although six years ago, I was able to run again.  I've also heard hurtful words which I have had to really work through to forgive. This happens on almost a weekly basis.
    Then, I will hear words on the news which will frighten me. The words of the reporters that the mayan calendar predicts the world will end on December 21,2012 really kinda scared me when I first heard them. But after I researched the topic a little more and heard encouraging and hopeful words from other experts, my fears subsided.

I want you guys to imagine how much built up anger this young man must have had. Imagine all the times he had been hurt or formed bitterness out of anger, but he had never processed through any of them. I can only imagine how many people had spoken harsh words (what Proverbs calls words of death) and this angry twenty year old had simply allowed himself to grow more and more bitter.

Now I want you to imaginse for a second, what if some friend, counselor, or anyone had spoken uplifting or encouraging words to that troubled young man. Imagine if some body had simply?"

Imagine if someone simply would have taken the time to talk to the angry young man and shown him he was cared for; the 27 lives might have been spared. The young man might have changed his mind and realized that other people in this world do care about him.

I challenge you today; look for those people in your life you can bless. Look for the ones you can brighten their day. You never know how you could change someone's day. You can speak life or you can speak death.       I challenge you to speak life to as many as you can find. Who knows whose life you might save.

Maybe, you are devastated from these shootings. I know I was. Maybe you feel you have lost all hope, and life will never be the same. Maybe yu feel like you have nothing to live for any longer. You may have been directly affected by the shootings. The shootings were truly a tragic thing. God weeps that those innocent children were murdered and He weeps for the families who lost the precious loved ones of their families. But I serve a risen Savior who came to heal those emotinal woundings. His name is Jesus Christ. Luke 4:18 says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me [The anointed one, the Messiah] to preach the good news [the gospel] to the poor; He has sent me to anounce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden,bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity,].

Christ came to heal your heart. He came to heal every hurt you have and forgive every sin you have committed. He came to save you. Romans 10:9 says, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
Romans 10:13 says, "For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved." 
I challenge you today; Respond to the call of Christ's free gift of salvation. Believe in Him and you will be saved.