Monday, May 18, 2015

Developing a Thankful Heart

This past Sunday I was at a church in South Africa. The church is located in a very less- fortunate area. I was amazed at the people's genuineness. I was amazed at the kindness of the church staff and the respectfulness of the audience. When the pastor got up to make anouncements. He claimed how the church needed to pray for those individuals in other countries who were suffering from some sort of hardship. He expressed how his congregation had so much to be thankful for. This amazed me. These dear people did not have many of the things I viewed as normal necessities.

   After I preached, nearly everyone in the congregation warmly greeted me and thanked me for my sermon.

I believe if each of us could strive to live our lives out of thankfulness, each of us would see our life in a completely different perspective. I believe our lives would greatly improve, simply because we were thankful for the things God has blessed us with. Think of all the people in other parts of the world who have far less than you will ever have. Think of how blessed and fortunate you are.

Become a person of gratitude today. Strive to know God in a personal way today by placing your faith in Jesus Christ and in His dying on the cross for you for your salvation.Thank God for your many blessings today. Your outlook on life will change!