Sunday, February 5, 2012

Locked Up

For the longest time I felt locked up. I felt locked up in my emotions, feelings, relationships, and how I conducted my daily life. I say locked up because my person was literally locked up by fear, anger, bitterness, and isolation. YOu might ask yourself, "How does the fact that you were "locked up" have anything do do with "Climbing to the next level" or "Staying in your purpose"? I will tell you.

    I was locked up because I was so angry a family member for letting us go on that ill-fated trip when we were in the car wreck when I nearly lost my life. I was bitter at many of the friends who had desserted me. I was angry/bitter at the family member who pulled out in front of the semi.  I was locked up becausse I could not really flow in conversation with any of these people and thus it caused me to severely dishonor them. This negative effect caused me to have even more problems with isolation and irritability at school and with my other friends at church/school. I held on to this resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness for the longest time (probably two years). I made very few friends. I was lonely and miserable. I'm sure you have felt locked up before. Or, maybe you feel locked up now. Maybe you are like I was and can be in a room full of family members and friends, but yet you feel completely isolated, lonely, and miserable.                                                                          

Well I held on to all of this resentment until I could handle it no longer. I knew I had to let it go. I prayed to God, my savior, and chose to forgive all those people I had unforgiveness to. I didn't go to therapy sessions. I forgave them, and by the power of the Holy Spirit of God I chose to release each of those individuals who had hurt me.     I prayed out loud that I choose to forgive (the person's name). And then I had to fight the lies that satan tried to get me to believe. I had to fogive the persons in my family who had not met the needs that I Had always had as a boy, teenager, and young adult. I realized I could not strive to get those needs met through other people who were unsafe for me. I forgave.

Who do you need to forgive? Are you locked up? Do you flow in xonversation with all those close people in your life you consider to be family or your friends?  Forgive.